Work from a place of

Innovation | Leadership | Creativity

The podcast that helps women in tech accelerate their influence, step into their dream leadership career and break through the glass ceiling.

134: The Storming, Forming, Norming, and Performing Cycle and What This Means For Your Team

Managing your team’s performance is one of your most important tasks (and can often become a big challenge too). Understanding the psychological stages of group development and leading them through these stages effectively can be the KEY to achieving great team performance.

Not sure how to do that? I got you, my love!

Let’s talk about performance and how to use the storming, forming, norming & performing cycle to help your team achieve positive & impactful results!

In today’s episode, I’m diving into this 4-phase framework to help you understand group formation and the stages your team is going through so you can effectively lead them through ANY challenge that comes up.

Ready to help your team work together and move through these stages with ease?

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133: Tackling the Elephant in the Room: Being Assertive as a Woman in Tech

A lot of us have confidence when we’re young – to go for the goal, say the thing we’re thinking, and be who we are – but somewhere along the way (especially for young women) that assertiveness & confidence gets shut down.

So, how do we get that confidence back, navigate it without falling into the gender stereotype trap, and use it to become even better leaders?

Let’s talk assertiveness on this week’s show!

In today’s episode, I invite the amazing Courtney Johnston, SVP & Product Manager at Verituity, to share her passion for technology, product management, and leadership. We’re talking about what it means to be an assertive woman in tech and how you can navigate this in your career to uplevel your leadership, build better teams, and reach your goals!

Ready to learn more about assertiveness and its role in your executive presence?

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132: Setting Your 2023 Career North Star

Do you have resolutions for the new year?

Maybe you’ve already planned out your health, money & mindset goals for 2023. Still, I want to talk about a topic that doesn’t get discussed often enough around goals for the new year – professional career-related resolutions.

Let’s talk about how to reevaluate your career goals and vision (and why finding your career North Star will be the vital piece!)

In this episode, I’m taking you through some steps to setting your own 2023 career North Star so you can see the most significant impact and results in your career this year.

Ready to find your guiding light and start taking more aligned action toward it?

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131: Why We Need to Stop Being Mentors as Women in the Workplace

Are you a mentor or are you a champion?

Join us for the answer to that (and more!) as we kick off this year talking about careers, mentorship & upleveling your leadership!

In today’s episode, I invite tech leader & strategist, Bailey Showalter, to share her amazing insights on why women need to stop being mentors (I know it’s a little controversial, but stick with us!) and the real, tangible things that actually help people get hired into leadership roles.

Ready for the resume, mentorship & career transition goodies you need to make this year your best one yet?

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130: 10 Ways to Shine When You Take on a New Leadership Role

Are there any leadership skills you need/want to work on going into the new year? Not sure where your weak spots are? (It’s okay, today’s episode can help!)

Let’s talk about the 10 different ways you can elevate your leadership, improve your skills, and really shine in your role this year!

In today’s episode, I’m sharing 10 ways to shine when you take on a new leadership role & how you can use these to build a better team and identify the leadership areas that need improvement so you can go into 2023 with the confidence and ability to make it the best year ever!

Ready to really shine in your leadership this year?

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129: Crossing the Chasm: Moving From Management Into Leadership

Is there a difference between management and leadership? Yes, my love! And how you navigate this difference and show up in your leadership career is massively important to have more influence and impact at work.

Let’s talk about crossing the chasm, moving from management into leadership!

In today’s episode, I invite engineering executive and cofounder of SheTO, Nidhi Gupta, to dive into this concept and talk to us about her extraordinary work in engineering and her passion for accelerating the careers and networks of women.

Ready for the tools you need to shift from simply managing your people to leading them powerfully and authentically?

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114: Is FOOMO Holding You Back?

FOOMO – no, it’s not a typo and yes, it’s a thing!

Let’s talk about if FOOMO is holding you back in your life and career.

In today’s episode, I’m diving into FOOMO – the ways it can be a damaging, yet prevalent issue to your thinking as a leader, and how to release yourself from it so you can stop holding yourself back from true progress in your career.

Ready to stop FOOMO in its tracks and get the attention you deserve in your career?

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113: Being a Recovering Perfectionist as a Senior Tech Leader with Jennifer Moll

There is more than one path to senior leadership in the tech industry and (just a quick reminder, my love) you don’t have to be perfect to get there.

Let’s talk about the non-traditional route to executive leadership – and doing it all while overcoming perfectionism!

In today’s episode, I invite the VP of Strategy at Axio, Jennifer Moll, to discuss her non-traditional journey to her current role in tech and how she has developed a healthier version of what perfection means to her.

Ready to learn how to prioritize progress over perfection and uplevel your career?

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112: If You Don’t Openly Celebrate Your Achievements, Who Will?

Here’s the thing about recognition, my love.

If you’re not openly sharing about the amazing work you’re doing or the impact you’re making, it’s likely that you won’t be recognized for it by others. This means that even if you’re doing amazing work (which you are!), it may go unnoticed because you aren’t celebrating yourself.

So, how do you get out of the cycle of downplaying yourself and not speaking up?

In today’s episode, I’m diving into openly celebrating our achievements and getting our much-deserved recognition at work. I discuss the consequences of not celebrating yourself in your career and some helpful tools to break the cycle and start owning your abilities.

Ready to celebrate how amazing you are?

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106: How to Create Great Culture in Your Team (irrespective of what’s going on in the rest of your organization)

Culture – it can make or break an organization.

So, how do we create a great team culture that gets higher engagement from employees, creates higher retention, and increases productivity?

Let’s talk about how you can impact your team’s culture (even when you’re not getting support from senior leadership)!

In today’s episode, I’m sharing the BIGGEST reasons why a fantastic team culture is essential for productivity (and happiness!) and breaking down the 4 key steps to creating it.

Ready to ditch the toxicity, help your organization build a great team culture, and maybe even change the tech industry in the process?

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