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Ditch The Self Doubt

The 5-steps to ditch self-doubt, overcome impostor syndrome, level with your inner critic, tackle your perfectionism procrastination so you can concentrate on what matters, and up-level your leadership.

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What You’ll Discover:

How self-doubt manifests as impostor syndrome

The surprising symptoms of impostor syndrome

Why it is easier to spot impostor syndrome in others than yourself and how you can use this to help your own self-doubt

How to use your new knowledge to become a better leader and boost your team’s productivity

How to keep the momentum going. See how you take what you’ve learned to keep that inner critic from inhibiting progress, and how to step into confidence, clarity and purpose long-term.

Coming Soon

Lesson 1 ( in your inbox)

What is impostor syndrome?

Lesson 2

Identifying impostor sydnrome in yourself and others

Lesson 3

Specific solutions for specific impostor symptoms

Lesson 4

Levelling with your inner critic

Lesson 5

Self-care and compassion to develop a resilient mindset



238: Thinking Like an Executive: From Firefighter to Strategist