205: Vulnerability in Leadership: Breaking Down Barriers

Do you want to boost team productivity, retention, and innovation while fostering an environment where your team feels comfortable being their authentic selves?

Let’s talk about embracing vulnerability in leadership and how this openness can help you create stronger connections with your team and peers.


In this episode, I dive into the critical role of vulnerability in demonstrating a strong executive presence and fostering genuine connections within your teams. I explore what it truly means to be vulnerable, ways you can embrace more openness in your leadership, and how giving yourself and your team permission to be vulnerable will lead to a stronger work environment.


I dive into:

  • The power of vulnerability as a leadership skill
  • Vulnerability client stories: making mistakes & work/life balance
  • The harm of inauthentic vulnerability
  • Balancing vulnerability and authority as women in leadership
  • How vulnerability can help you avoid the cycle of stress and burnout
  • Reframing vulnerability as a strength: self-compassion & boundary setting
  • 2 actions to help you start building your authentic vulnerability TODAY
  • And more

**Useful links**

  • If you are ready to uplevel your career, get unstuck or you are simply ready to unlock those leadership time-management techniques then join us in my monthly career & leadership coaching program exclusively for women in tech:


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