How to leave a podcast rating and review

For the Leading Women in Tech Podcast

Thanks for helping me out with a review!

Reviews help grow the podcast – so if you believe in the Leading Women in Tech mission to get more women into tech leadership, then I’d be honoured if you left a review.

Here’s what you need to do!

How To Leave A Podcast Rating and Review In iTunes or Apple Podcast

Quick Tutorial

1. Launch Apple’s Podcast app on your mobile device. It looks like this:

If you don’t already have the podcast player app installed, you can find it in your app store. 

Android and other devices:

NOTE: If you’re on a non-Apple device, you can leave a rating by downloading iTunes on your computer or leave a review on your favourite podcast player such as Stitcher or Google Play. I’ll still give you free access to the 5 things free training – just send me a screenshot with your rating, review and subscription. 

For Stitcher, note that you need to be in a browser, not the app to leave a review. Launch the Leading Women in Tech Podcast page in your browser, scroll to the bottom and hit ‘Leave a Review’.

But if you are willing to install iTunes I’d really love you to, as it makes a huge difference in our publicity if we get more iTunes reviews! Thanks for understanding.


2. Apple Podcasts: Tap the Search tab in the lower right hand corner. 

iTunes: Open iTunes, select ‘podcast’ and go to the search bar in the top right corner.

3. Enter the name of the podcast you want to rate or review – The Leading Women in Tech Podcast.

4. Tap the blue Search key (Apple Podcast App) or hit return (iTunes) at the bottom right once you’ve typed in the name. 

5. Tap the album art for the podcast.

The Leading Women in Tech Podcast

6. Leading a review

Apple Podcasts:
Scroll down till you see Write a Review and tap the purple text that says ‘Write a Review’ (it’s under the reviews already given).

Click on ‘Ratings and Reviews’ and then the button ‘Leave a Review’

7. Write in the title of your review, number of stars and the review.

8. Take a screenshot of your review and email it to toni {at} tonicollis {dot} com for your chance to win an Elevate Intensive Coaching Session. 

AND don’t forget, you also get access to my 2-part Video Training on developing Executive Presence, Leadership Credibility & Career Gravitas. 

Thank you!

Don’t forget! Here is what you get for helping me out!

Your chance to win
A 90-minute elevate intensive coaching session

Is it time to change to up-level your leadership so you can spend more time doing what you love and less time building buy-in?  

Frustrated when those around you make your life difficult, but they don’t seem to listen to their being a better way?

Ready to stop focusing on managing, and more time doing? But don’t know how? Hint – it’s your leadership!

How would you like to pinpoint then dismantle the key mindset blocks around you and your career; develop a strategy to become the stand-out leader you know you are capable of becoming, drive belief in what you do in those around; and come away armed with the tools you need to show up as the leader in tech that you know you want to be?

Sounds good, right?

Leave a review, for your chance to win the one of these that I give away each month! 

2-Part Video Training:
Leadership and Executive Presence

In the training:

Learn how to combine the roles of being a techy and a leader of your peers (and your bosses) beautifully. Be the trusted leader who is kept on or hired right now, helps your organization to pivot and thrive, and comes out of 2020 ahead.  Learn how to start living like the Tech Leader you know you are by working on your presence.

You’ll learn

> How to get noticed for all the right reasons
> Create the best authentic version of you
> How to work effectively under stress (because as much as we hope to avoid it, and great planning and leadership will avoid much of the stress, sometimes it is unavoidable, and that is when your Executive Presence needs to shine
> What to do if you don’t seem confident.
> What to do if you aren’t seen as professional.


>The #1 Thing You Need to Make Your Life Easier At Every Stage of Your Career

> Learn how to demonstrate how your variety is what makes you a unique asset to an employer

> Understand how others see you


> How to become a solutions person and not a problem person
> Learn to speak with certainty and get credibility because you demonstrate you hold your line on values that matter to you
> Learn how to get noticed by key decision-makers and stakeholders, get invited to the table AND get that pay bump you deserve.



238: Thinking Like an Executive: From Firefighter to Strategist