Ignite Coach Academy

Leadership Coach Certification Program

Are you ready to change the lives of those around you and change yours at the same time?

Becoming a certified coach through the Ignite Coach Academy means you will have the chance to truly change the world for the better. 

You will learn how to make better decisions. You will help others make better decisions. And you’ll leave a lasting impact on everyone around you.  

Whether you want to become a coach so that you become a better leader, or you plan to turn coaching into a full-time job, the impact coaching has is extraordinary. Your journey to extraordinary starts with one crucial decision — to train as a coach. 

Discover How Ignite Coach Academy Will Set You Up for Success.

When you join the Ignite Coach Academy you will learn how to coach, but you will also be learning what it takes to become extraordinary. 

The Ignite Coaching Framework is the secret behind the success that our coaching clients have at ToniCollis.com and also behind Toni’s personal success. Toni became an executive within just 7 years of finishing her Ph.D., despite spending 4 of those years without a clear career plan! Since focusing on coaching Toni has translated the tools, techniques and steps she took into mechanisms that work for everyone — underpinned by the Ignite Coaching Framework that unlocks creativity, innovation, problem-solving, and ultimately success.

Whether you are interested in coaching so that you can become an even better leader and elevate your corporate career or business even faster, or you want to create a new career as a coach, this program is going to change your outlook on every person, opportunity, and challenge you meet for the better. You’ll come out of this program equipped to take on challenges that right now you aren’t even dreaming of. 

The hardest step in becoming a Certified Leadership Coach is deciding to start your journey. We’ve got you the rest of the way. </i?

Step One

Decide to become an extraordinary leadership coach that is able to help those around them achieve more than they ever thought possible.

Step Two

Learn from Master Coach and Women’s Leadership expert Toni Collis. She will share with you the tools and techniques that she uses personally every day to change her own life and those of hundreds of leaders.

Step Three

Practice. We’ll set you up to start your coaching with simple practice sessions with your fellow Coach Academy Participants. You’ll also get coached by previous Coach Academy members so you can see the framework in action and get familiar with it. We’ll be mentoring you along the way and when you are ready give feedback on your coaching.

Step Four

Get certified. You’ll get everything you need to be ready for certification. We’ll support you along the way until you feel ready to demonstrate your coaching as a Certified Leadership Coach.

Ready to add coaching to your list of skills?

We're ready for you.

Join our next cohort is starting
in September 2024. Places are limited.

Have questions? We're here to help.
Please email support@tonicollis.com



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