191: Are You Staying in Your Lane? with Julie Tschida Brown

Do you have dreams that seem out of reach or outside the traditional path of your education or experience?

If you have dreams of being in the boardroom, achieving a senior leadership role, or you’re already there but keep getting shut down or shut out, this episode is for you. 


This week, I invite Financial Capital Executive in HR, Julie Tschida Brown, to talk to us about whether or not you should “stay in your lane” and how to properly understand and contribute to the business you’re in so you can reach your highest career goals. 


Ready to step OUT of your lane and into the boardroom?


Let’s go to the show.


We dive into:

  • Julie’s journey to a career in HR
  • Landing any role, even with a non-traditional background
  • Making an impact in support functions of business (HR, IT, marketing, etc.)
  • Staying in your lane at work – is it important?
  • Leading in the boardroom vs. on the executive team
  • Authenticity & self-trust in leadership 
  • And more


**Useful links**


  • Catch the show notes, and more details about today’s episode here: https://tonicollis.com/episode191


This episode was sponsored by our guest, Julie. Thank you, Julie, for helping to bring Leading Women in Tech to this community!

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