193: Learning to Look at Failure Differently with Lydia Bai

Failure can be a fascinating contributor to our career success or career hurdles – and it’s determined by the way we look at it. 


Let’s talk about failure and learning to look at it differently.

In this week’s episode, I invite recovering investment banker and life coach, Lydia Bai, to discuss failure, how her toxic relationship with achievement impacted her ability to thrive at work, and how burnout, imposter syndrome, motivation, and self-confidence can all be linked to the way we perceive our failure. 

Ready to shift how you see the failures in your career so you can use them for good?

We dive into:

  • Lydia’s upbringing and hyper-focus on achievement
  • The catalyst for the big shift in her career journey
  • Failure: the gap between expectation and reality
  • The 2 biggest sources of burnout for women in the workplace
  • Exploring failure as a perception
  • The link between fear of failure and imposter syndrome
  • Three things to evaluate the next time you fail
  • And more


Let’s go to the show. 

**Useful links**


This episode was sponsored by our guest, Lydia. Thank you Lydia for helping to bring Leading Women in Tech to this community!

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