235: Why You May Be Overlooking Your Emotional Intelligence Needs

Here is why you want to focus on Emotional Intelligence throughout 2025!

Leaders with high emotional intelligence (EQ) are more likely to foster greater employee satisfaction and achieve up to 20% higher productivity. Yet, many leaders overestimate their EQ. In this episode, I explore why emotional intelligence is vital for modern leadership and how you might be falling short in surprising ways.

Join me as I explore the link between emotional intelligence in leadership and leadership success, including the connection to employee retention, team performance, and overall workplace dynamics. Through real-life emotional intelligence workplace examples and my 3-part approach to improving EQ, I will provide you with helpful leadership self-awareness techniques to help you improve your leadership EQ.

I dive into:

  • The positive impacts of improved emotional intelligence
  • Common misconceptions about EQ
  • The relationship between confidence and EQ
  • My 3-part approach for improving your EQ
  • Self-awareness techniques for tech leaders
  • The Notice, Pause, Reframe framework for building higher self-awareness
  • And more

Whether you’re focused on emotional intelligence in tech leadership or strengthening your executive presence, this episode will show you how confidence and EQ will play a pivotal role in elevating your leadership this year. 

**Useful links**

  • If you are ready to uplevel your career, get unstuck or you are simply ready to unlock those leadership time-management techniques then join us in my monthly career & leadership coaching program exclusively for women in tech:


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