Work from a place of

Innovation | Leadership | Creativity

The podcast that helps women in tech accelerate their influence, step into their dream leadership career and break through the glass ceiling.

008: The one big assumption that is holding you back in your job search

Job hunting. Eugh. Such a chore right?

But so necessary.

But in a world that is a hirer’s market, how do you get that job? And how do you get your next job right now, even if you are safe and secure in your current role? If you are looking to uplevel and your current company has a promotion freeze, do you stay put just because we are living in a time where unemployment is rising?

I’m here to tell you that you can get a job right now. But you may not be going about it the right way.

There is a hidden job market, which as your rise up the ranks in your organization becomes more and more important. The top level jobs are basically never advertised. But what is this hidden job market and what can you do to access it? Well, I’ll tell you straight up that it isn’t about applying for every job you find advertised!

Want to find out more? Let’s go to the show!

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How to uplevel your remote networking (and why should already be doing it!)

The further you go in your career the more you will realise the power of your network. Your network opens doors for you, makes sure you are advocated for when you aren’t in the room, suggests you as someone who might be useful in a particular situation and connects you with others. Your network can also create jobs and opportunities for you. But right now, traditional networking has ground to a halt. There are no more networking parties and social events where we ‘chat’ about our future (often awkwardly) while juggling a glass of wine and canapés! There are no more conferences where we hang out at the buffet table or walk up to a poster author to chat about them with the poster content as an excuse for the conversation. What can you do about that?

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Why you need to step up as a leader

Do you have the feeling that you know you want to achieve more? But are you holding yourself back because you are anxious or unsure of what to do next?
In these times of uncertainty, we are all looking for great leadership. We are looking for a leader that inspires us, offers solutions, that can help each and every one of us navigate through the current moment and show us who we can be, and what the human race is capable of.
The tech industry is at the forefront of human discovery, human support and human innovation. And now more than ever it needs inspirational leaders at every rung of the ladder, and I want you to step up and be that leader.
If you have a fire in you to do more, now is your time.

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