During these times of uncertainty, the world is finding that this moment is important. It is a draining and overwhelming time, but also a time when everyone around us is looking for clarity, purpose, vision and inspiration.
Right now, we are all full of doubt where we second guess ourselves.
But there are people out there seeing right now as an important time, a time to take action. When you realise that now is the time. You realise you are on a journey. A journey to inspire, to change the world, to influence.
Wherever you are in your career, from the earliest stages to senior leadership or launching your own business, now more than ever is the time to pick the path that you are going to take. To define who and what you want to be for yourself, your loved ones and to be the role model that you know you are ready to be.
I believe that we, as passionate women, driving the world of tech, have a duty to roll up our sleeves to solve problems.
We need to stand up for our purpose.
We need to stand up for a vision of a better world, led by technological innovations that make human lives better and planet Earth safer for all.
We need to stand up for a better vision of leadership and management.
We need to stand up for own right to make a massive, positive impact on the world.
Because right now there are massive problems that impact you, me and everyone else. And the impact of these problems will change the way we do things now and in the future. The tech sector will be a large part of the solutions that we all adopt moving forward. AND WE AS WOMEN NEED TO MAKE SURE WE ARE PART OF DEVELOPING THE RIGHT SOLUTIONS.
We can’t bury our head in the sand and hope things will get better.
As LEADING WOMEN IN TECH, it is our responsibility to show up every day and serve our people. This is our opportunity right here, right now,
Now is the time to come up with more innovative solutions while our backs are against the wall.
We have been forced into a situation we never imagined we would be in. But in times of desperation, true future leaders are created.
Future leaders fuel innovation right now.
Future leaders generate passion and help their teams thrive right now.
Future leaders channel their team’s creativity to better outcomes.
Future leaders inspire everyone around them to come together and support each other in times of crisis.
Future leaders fuel the future.
Future leaders are being created, right there, right now, today.
That is why now is your time.
Now is the time to pivot.
Now is the time to rethink your career.
Now is the time to make a change and go for it.
If you have a fire in your belly because you know things can be better, NOW is the time to take action. Stop being held back by excuses. There are no more excuses.
“I’ll do that when I get this qualification” <-That is too late.
“I’ll show more leadership in my next job” <-That is too late.
“I’m too young/too old/too inexperienced/too experienced/not in the right position/I’ve tried this before/I’m not in the right job/I don’t have a job” <-Those are not valid excuses.
Being the LEADER you want to follow starts as soon as you start.
When you start being an inspiring leader, who takes action for those around them each, every day, people will follow you.
When people follow you:
- You have more impact
- People notice you
- People follow you
- Opportunities open up for you
If you are ready to reduce your stress, anxiety and fear and redesign your approach to your career so that you can be more present in the lives of those you love and cherish and matter most, when they need you most. Now is the time to change. To step up and lead. Because when you lead with authenticity, with power, with passion, life really is easier.
Right now is the time that the world is looking for solutions, for outcomes for the people they need to follow.
If you have a fire in your belly and you NEED to make the world a better place, your voice needs to be heard.
If you have a fire in your belly to change the world of tech, step-up and be that leader that you want to follow.
Research is finding that people want to use this time to come out of this being a better person than they went in. And to do that they need to know WHO they need to follow.
Be the person they need to follow.
People are desperate for great leadership and stability right now
People are needing leadership more than ever before.
You need to be seen.
Now is your time to get noticed.
Now is your time to thrive.
Now is your time shine.
Now is your time to lead.
If you are ready to start being the leader you know you want to be, but want a proven plan to equip you for an accelerated career on the road to success, then I’ve got the tools to help you out!
The way tech does business is changing. And I want you to learn how to be part of that. To be part of the change. To be part of the solution and get the rewards you deserve for being part of the way we make the world a better place.
I want you to learn how to up-level and pivot as necessary. I want you to have the confidence to know when and how to take action right now and in the future.
Because right now is when the world’s future leaders are being created. And the world needs more women leaders, just like you, if we are to survive the challenges we face as a species.
If you are ready to generate results for yourself, your team and your organization, with the added benefit of being more financially secure and having more time for you and your family, then I want you to join me, Toni Collis, in the Emerging Leader Mastermind.
The goal of the mastermind is simple: to equip you with my tried-and-tested recipe that creates more stability in your career, provides you with the toolkit to up-level on demand and on-repeat, without the hustle and grind.
This is a recipe that generates recurring results, enabling you to up-level on demand over and over again. Every single year. No matter what is going on in the world.
This is the recipe that actually helps you spend less time working and instead work more intentionally and purposefully, creating bigger results. Because the worlds highest performance don’t work crazy hours and I want that for you too!
This is about reducing stress, anxiety and fear and redesigning your approach to your career so that you can be more present in the lives of those you love and cherish.
The way tech does business is changing. And I want you to learn how to be part of that. To be part of the change. To be part of the solution and get the rewards you deserve for being part of the way we make the world a better place.
People are desperate for great leadership and stability right now, and I want you to be part of the solution.
Sound good?
I can’t wait to see you during the mastermind as we work through this together. Lets go!