Have you thought about where your career is headed in 2025? Are you ready to elevate your leadership skills, or is it time to dive into a focused job hunt? This week I want to help you avoid a career drift and take control by identifying your goals for the year and planning strategically for them.
In this episode, I’ll guide you through deciding whether to focus on leadership development or a job hunt by identifying skill gaps, assessing your work environment, and understanding when job hunting becomes essential. I’ll also show you how to set clear, actionable career goals that align with your ambitions, whether it’s building executive presence, staying relevant in a fast-evolving industry, or finding a role that truly fulfills you.
I dive into:
- My method to help you decide between leadership development and job hunting
- The consequences of letting your career drift
- Identifying your gaps: skills or environment?
- The overlap between skill development and job hunting
- And more
If you’re ready to step up your leadership game or transition into something new, I’ll give you the tools to make this pivotal decision before the new year. Let’s set your career up for success in 2025!
**Useful links**
- If you are ready to uplevel your career, get unstuck or you are simply ready to unlock those leadership time-management techniques then join us in my monthly career & leadership coaching program exclusively for women in tech:
- Catch the show notes, and more details about today’s episode here: https://tonicollis.com/episode229
- Check us out on Youtube.
Join the Leading Women in Tech community in Slack where we discuss all-the-things for women’s tech leadership, covering everything from early-career leadership to C-level executives.